Are you interested in promoting a website, 'zine, business, newsletter, etc? If so, the BUBBLES website offers available space on the webpage in order for you to use.
If you have a BUSH 'zine and/or website
Banner exchange- put my banner on your page, I'll put yours on mine on the Links page.
If you do not have a BUSH 'zine and/or website:
We can do this two ways: a banner/link
exchange (your link will go on the Links page) or a paid advertisement.
Prices vary so email
BUBBLESzine@aol.com for the rates.
You may also suggest other "payment"methods. Your website must have
something to do with entertainment, such as music, movies, books, magazines,
online catalog, etc. It can relate to another band.
(Banners work: you just clicked on it. Point proven!)
What will absolutely, positively, no way on this earth be advertised on this website
Pornography, sex campaigns or sexual memorabilia of any sort.
Any type of abortion-related website or announcement.
Websites pertaining to violence, death, suicide, drugs/alcohol, racial groups, etc.
Personal webpages (i.e.: The Website All About Reena)
Corny presentations and businesses (determined by me), like CheeChee's Cheesecakes.
And any other type of site which I don't like or don't want to deal with.
Where does the money go?
BUBBLES has a treasury, so the money goes there and is used to promote the website, 'zine, purchase tools in order to develop, and it's all for BUSH! Remember that the 'zine and site are absolutely free...
What do you get out of advertising?
More traffic and publicity to your website, duh.
Who do you contact if interested or have questions?
Reena: email at BUBBLESzine@aol.com.
Any information not given on this page, direct questions to Reena.
. All original work/graphics on this website are copyrighted © in the year of 1999 by RLB Productions. Please ask for permission to use any information. BUBBLES is in no way personally affiliated with Bush, Trauma Records, Interscope Records, or Mad Dog Winston Records.