with Default
March 08, 2002
Detroit, Michigan
State Theater
>see pictures<

My friend, Priscilla, and I left for Detroit from Columbus, OH at 1:30 PM the day of the show. We arrived in Detroit at about 5:30 PM at the Westin Hotel where we had reservations. The receptionist told us that she couldn't check us in, because we were under 21. AAAAAH. We ended up finding a hotel down the road finally. So at 6:30 PM we left for the Bush concert that was to start at 7:30 PM. The venue was only supposed to be about 15 min from the hotel...WE GOT SO LOST. We didn't get to the show until 7:45! Default was already onstage. We got up in front of Dave by the amps, second row. Default was great. I loved the music they were playing in between sets - Veruca Salt, Filter, Cyclefly, etc. ANYWHO...

Bush took the stage at 9:20, I believe. They were amazing!!! The sound, lighting, and set were wonderful. The crowd was unbelievably rough on the floor. I couldn't breathe or move for much of the time.

Here are the songs that they played...not in comlpetely correct order, though...

The People That We Love
Headful of Ghosts
The Chemicals Between Us
Disease of the Dancing Cats
Greedy Fly
Everything Zen
Land of the Living

Glycerine (rock version)
Just What I Needed (The Cars cover)
Little Things

Gavin went crowd surfing once, just him and his microphone. He came over to the side of the stage in the audience (where I was) and went into the crowd. He was holding my hand for part of the time, and the crowd was going insane.

Chris did a great job on guitar. I was quite impressed. Dave was all over the place! Robin rocked hard, as always! And how lucky did we feel to be able to hear Bush play The Cars for the first time live!

During "Little Things," two kids ran up on stage and started dancing. Then, all of a sudden, Gavin starts pulling people out of the audience to go on stage, and the security guards began letting people on stage, too. I was by the barricades where they were letting people through. I made it in between the stage and the barricades (where the guards stand), about to go onstage, and then they decided that there were too many people and pushed as back! I was so disappointed and not to mention deaf, because I ended up with my ear against the amp!

All in all, a superb show!
And now, after the show....

The weather outside was quite nice. We waited around back by the tourbusses. I got to meet Danny and Dave from Default before Bush came out. Chris was the first one out, but I didn't get to make it over to him. Dave then came out but to the other side. Sacha, followed by Robin, and then Gavin came out, too. I met Dave first and got a picture with him. Then I got a pic/autograph with Robin (whose hair is now quite short). I told him I would see the show tomorrow night, and he informed me that he would therefre not wear the same shirt. Hehe! He is so funny!

Then, there was Gavin who was so cheery! He signed "Golden State" for me. He then proceeded to sign "The Science of Things" which he had signed once already two years ago. I told him that, and he gave this huge grin and was like "oops!" It was so cute! I tried to get a pic with him, but there were just SO many people crowded around him. So, Gavin told me that I could have one tomorrow. Yay!

Next we have Sacha. I love this guy. He was videotaping everything. I gave him a picture that I had taken with him two years ago, and he told me that he loved it. Awww. I got my pic taken with him, and an autograph on my "Golden State" CD (while he was telling me his was no one famous...ya, right!). Sacha asked me what I thought of Chris. I began to tell him, and then he stopped me so he could get it on tape. So, I basically said on camera, "I have to admit I was a bit biased toward Chris, because no one can replace Nigel. But Chris was amazing! He rocked so much! We miss Nigel and hope all is well. Can't wait to see Chris again, and we will tomorrow night." It was impromptu, yes! Then, while Sacha was signing Priscilla's arm, I was holding Sacha's camera and taping him sign her arm. Hehe! Sacha then had to go so Bush could leave. I told him I would be at the Columbus show the next night, and he was like "you're kidding!" I asked him if he would remember me, and he said "of course." I couldn't wait till the Columbus show!


All original work/graphics/photos on this website are copyrighted © in the years of 1999-2002 by RLB Productions. Please ask for written permission to use any work.
BUBBLES is in no way personally affiliated with Bush, Atlantic Records, Trauma Records, Interscope Records, or Mad Dog Winston Records.