Written by Gavin Rossdale
Performed by BUSH
Exclusive track from The Science of Things Enhanced Single and CD
On the way home
Edging smile
Thinking about it
All of the while
You never stop
You're the traffic in my brain
Lover that I got
There's no way for you to see
When you feel that far away from me
You're coming home
Steeper the climb
Sharper the sight
Better than sorry
Quietly drown
Losing my face
I need you to find
This is not how we should be
How come you feel so far from me?
You're coming home
It's time to confess
Dying for you
Seem to life me
So you're the night
These are the only ones
Waiting for you
It's all I can do
You're coming home
These lyrics were taken from ear and may not
be 100% accurate.
Audio from
All original work on this website is
copyrighted © in the year of 1999 by RLB Productions. Please ask
for permission
to use any information.
BUBBLES is in no way
personally affiliated with Bush, Trauma Records, Interscope Records, or Mad
Dog Winston Records.